EnPro Wiki

From Efficiency Finder
Revision as of 11:48, 2 August 2016 by AEE (talk | contribs)
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This part of the „Wiki Web“ has been developed within the project EnPro under the coordination of AEE INTEC.

Project consortium


Barriers for integration of solar heat and heat pumps in industrial processes exist, due to high investment costs, lack of experience, missing integration schemes and planning guidelines or lack of knowledge about technological developments. Within the project "EnPro" barriers should be reduced for manufacturers, users and planners through the creation of supportive measures for the integration of both technologies in an efficient and cost effective way. Therefore case studies in food, paper, metal production and processing, laundries and insulation industry are carried out. Based on these case studies, generalized integration schemes are developed and technical-economic assessments performed. This knowledge is shared to the users in the context of planning directives, consisting of guidelines and rating tools.

EnPro Efficiency Finder

Subsection DA food Subsection DC insulation¹ Subsection DS laundry² Subsection DC metals Subsection DC paper
Solar integration guidelines x x x x x
Heat pump integration guidelines x x x x x
Solar and heat pump integration guidelines x x x x x

EnPro tool

This tool has been developed during the project to assist auditors, planners, operators and decision makers in self-assessment, benchmarking, design, calculation, optimisation and simulation. The EnPro tool enabels a technical-economic assessment for the integration of solar heat and/or heat pump in industrial processes from food, metal, paper production, laundries and insulation industry.

Download the tool

Enter the handbook

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